Emil Grama

Timişoara Branch
of the Fine Arts Union of Romania
Emil Grama
Versiunea în limba română The English language version

Member of the Fine Arts Union of Romania, Timisoara Branch.

Founding member of the Foundation for Universal Culture "Noua Junime", Bucharest.

Founding member of the Foundation "Saltimbanc" Timisoara.


1945 - Was born on Thursday, June 7 in a family of intellectuals (his father was a surgeon, his mother was a teacher of French) in Targoviste, Dambovita county and grew up in an atmosphere of love and patriarchal respect, adored (especially by his mother) but still not understood.
1952-1956 - Attended primary school in his hometown.
1956-1963 - Student at High School "Ienachita Vacarescu", Targoviste .
1963-1967 - Student at Academy of Arts, Bucharest (his mentors were Ion Salisteanu and Marin Predescu)
1966 - First exhibition - "Annual Student Salon", Bucharest.
1967 - Group Exhibition, Targoviste.
1967-1968 - Teacher of drawing and calligraphy at the School of Aninoasa, Dambovita county.
1968 - Group exhibition, Targoviste
- Annual Salon of Painting, Targoviste
- Creation camp, Homorod, Harghita county.
1968-1973 - Instructor of fine art, folk art and photo-cinematography at Folk Art Creation House, Dambovita.
1969 - Exhibition of paintings and graphics, Targoviste
- Exhibition of graphics, Targoviste
- Creation camp, Stefesti, Prahova county.
1970 - Exhibition of paintings, Targoviste
- Exhibition "Messages from Dambovita over time", Dalles Hall, Bucharest
- Solo exhibition of graphics and graphical advertising, Targoviste
- Group exhibition to help victims, Targoviste
- Biennial of Painting and Sculpture, Bucharest
- Creation camp, Targoviste.
1971 - Exhibition of paintings, Targoviste
- Married Mandita, singer at Operetta Theater, Bucharest
- Creation camp, Targoviste
- First Prize for the scenography of the show "People and facts" by Dan Tarchila,-National Festival "Song for Romania", the national stage, Bucharest.
1972 - Biennial of painting and sculpture, Bucharest
- Creation Camp. Magura, Buzau county
1973 - Raluca, his first daughter was born on January 31
- National Salon of Caricature, Bucharest
- Republican exhibition of paintings, sculpture and graphic arts of teachers, Bucharest
- Instructor at the Fine Arts Camp of Amateur Artists from Dambovita County, Padina.
1973-1974 - Illustrator, People's University, Bucharest.
1974 - Exhibition of paintings, Targoviste
1974-1975 - Curator, National Museum of Arts and Crafts, Bucharest.
1975 - Exhibition, Targoviste
- Solo exhibition of paintings, Targoviste.
1975-1976 - Curator, Dambovita County Museum.
1976 - Group exhibition of painting, Targoviste.
- Annual Art Salon, Targoviste.
1976-1977 - Instructor, Culture House, Targoviste.
1977 - Annual Art Salon, Targoviste
1977-1983 - Instructor of fine art, folk art and photo-cinematography, Guidance Center of Popular Art and Mass Art Movement, Dambovita county.
1978 - Exhibition of paintings, Pitesti
- Group exhibition, Targoviste.
1979 - Annual Art Salon, Targoviste
- Group exhibition of graphics, Targoviste
- Instructor at the Fine Arts Camp of Amateur Artists from Dambovita County, Scropoasa.
1980 - First Prize for the scenography of the operetta "Ana Lugojana" by Filaret Barbu, National Festival "Song for Romania", the national stage, Targu Mures.
1981 - Jubilee Exhibition, Targoviste
- Annual Art Salon, Targoviste
- International Triennial of Scenography, Novi-Sad, Serbia
- Solo exhibition of graphics, Sinaia
- Exhibition, National Festival "Song for Romania", county stage, Targoviste
- Exhibition, National Festival "Song for Romania", intercounty stage, Ploiesti
- Exhibition, National Festival "Song for Romania", the national stage, Bucharest
- Second Prize for directing the movie "Ceavrelele", Documentary and Scientific Film Festival "Contemporania '81" (sixth edition), Targoviste.
1982 - Tribute Exhibition, Targoviste
- Solo exhibition of posters, Targoviste
- Annual Art Salon, Targoviste
- Solo exhibition of scenography, Novi-Sad, Serbia
- Married Marilena, soloist of the Romanian Opera in Timisoara
- First Prize for directing the animated film "Hopscotch", Film Poems Festival "Autumn in Voronet", Gura Humorului
- Special Jury Award for the scenography of the International Festival of Sentimental Songs "Cold Chrysanthemum", Targoviste.
1983 - Exhibition, National Festival "Song for Romania", county stage, Targoviste
- Exhibition, National Festival "Song for Romania", intercounty stage, Targoviste
- Exhibition, National Festival "Song for Romania", the national stage, Bucharest.
1983-1985 - Assistant stage designer, Romanian Opera in Timisoara, Estrada Department.
1984 - Annual Art Salon, Timisoara
- Ruxandra, his second daughter was born on August 15
- Solo exhibition of paintings, Targoviste.
1985 - Solo exhibition - landscapes, Targoviste
- Solo exhibition - landscapes, Timisoara
- Triennial of Scenography, Bucharest
- First Prize for the scenography of the show "Cassandra" by J.K. Cherryh, Festival "Helion'85", Timisoara
- Appears the art album "Fine Art of Amateur Artists in Dambovita County" under the auspices of the County Guidance Center of Popular Art and Mass Art Movement, Targoviste.
1985-1987 - Illustrator, Romanian Opera, Timisoara.
1986 - Group exhibition of scenography "40 Years of Opera", Timisoara
- Second Prize for directing the satirical film "Hygiene Pills", the Festival - Contest "FO-DI-FI", Buzias.
1987 - Annual Art Salon, Timisoara.
1987-1990 - Painter, Romanian Opera, Timisoara
1988 - Solo exhibition of paintings, Targoviste
- Solo exhibition of paintings, Timisoara
- Annual Art Salon, Timisoara
1989 - Group Exhibition "Timisoara to Arad"
- Solo exhibition of scenography, Targoviste
- Solo exhibition of scenography, Pitesti
- Solo exhibition of scenography, Timisoara
- First Prize for Book Illustration for Children Stories for illustrating "Stories and Short Stories" by Ion Creanga (Facla Publishing House, 1989) at the Book Show in Cluj-Napoca.
1990-1991 - Designer, Timisoara Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
1991 - Exhibition "Romanian Revolution", Dalles Hall, Bucharest
1991-1996 - Illustrator, De Vest Publishing House (formerly Facia), Timisoara.
1992 - Banat Salon "Pro Arte", Timisoara
- Exhibition of scenography, Emil Grama-Dumitru Popescu, Timisoara
- Special Jury Award for coverage of the book "Guillotine of ashes" by Vladimir Tismaneanu (De Vest Publishing House, 1992), at the Book Show in Vienna.
1993 - Solo Exhibition of book graphics,Timisoara
- Annual Art Salon, Timisoara.
1994 - Annual Art Salon, Timisoara
1995 - Solo exhibition of paintings, Timisoara
- Banat Salon "Pro Arte", Timisoara.
1996-2003 - Painter, stage designer, Hungarian State Theater "Csiky Gergely", Timisoara.
1997 - Annual Banat Salon "Pro Arte", Timisoara
- Excellence Award, International Festival of Sentimental Songs "Gold Chrysanthemum", Targoviste
- International Painting Camp, Tinnez, Hungary.
1998 - Annual Banat Salon "Pro Arte", Timisoara
1999 - Solo Exhibition of graphics, Timisoara
- Annual Banat Salon "Pro Arte", Timisoara.
2000 - His first grandchild, Andrew, son of Raluca, is born on December 20
- Solo exhibition of paintings, Arad
- Annual Banat Salon "Pro Arte", Timisoara
- Creation camp, Jupanesti, Timis county
- Appears the book of essays, reviews and interviews "Artist Insomnia", Augusta Publishing House, Timisoara.
2001 - Solo exhibition of graphics, Timisoara
- Annual Banat Salon "Pro Arte", Timisoara
- Creation camp, Szeged, Hungary.
2002 - Annual Banat Salon "Pro Arte", Timisoara
- Creation camp, Jupanesti, Timis county.
2003 - Annual Banat Salon "Pro Arte", Timisoara
- Creation camp, Jupanesti, Timis county
- Appears "The Green Elixir", poems, Mirton Publishing House, Timisoara.
2003-2007 - Painter, stage designer. Theater for Children "Merlin", Timisoara.
2004 - Annual Banat Salon "Pro Arte", Timisoara.
2005 - His second grandchild, Tudor, son of Raluca, is born on August 17
- Annual Banat Salon "Pro Arte", Timisoara
- Group exhibition of paintings, Resita
- Solo exhibition of paintings, "East-West" Gallery of the Romanian Cultural Institute, New York, U.S.A.
- Creation camp, Pojejena, Caras-Severin county
- Solo exhibition of paintings, Timisoara.
2006 - Group exhibition of paintings, Resita
- Solo exhibition of paintings. Art Museum, Bellevue-Seattle, U.S.A.
- Creation camp, Pojejena, Caras-Severin county
- Appears the bilingual (Romanian - English) poetry book "Love in the past tense", Eurostampa Publishing House, Timisoara.
2007 - Annual Art Salon, Timisoara
- Creation camp, Pojejena, Caras-Severin county.
2008 - Annual Art Salon, Timisoara
- Group exhibition of paintings, Resita.
2009 - Solo exhibition of paintings, Timisoara
- Thematic Exhibition "Stars, Space and the Visual Arts", Timisoara
- Instructor of plastic expression, National Camp "School Freinet Holiday", Cheveres, Timis county
- Portrait workshop coordinator. Prevent Juvenile Delinquency Camp, Cheveres, Timis county
- Appears the poetry book "Wrath and dandelion flowers in the window of skyscrapers", Eurostampa Publishing House, Timisoara
- Annual Art Salon, Timisoara.

Contact: Timişoara - România
Mobil: +40 (0)740014054
Web page: http://uapt.cjtimis.ro/membri/egrama

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  Copyright © 2010
Uniunea Artiştilor Plastici din România - Filiala Timişoara

Uniunea Artistilor Plastici din România - Filiala Timşsoara
  Copyright © 2010
Timişoara Branch of the Fine Arts Union of România

Timişoara Branch of the Fine Arts Union of România